Stretch Marks

Stretch marks (striae distensa) are the streaky lines that develop on the skin, especially on the abdomen and legs.
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What are stretch marks?

Stretch marks (striae distensa) are the streaky lines that develop on the skin, especially on the abdomen and legs. They are caused by the rapid expansion of skin, usually during pregnancy or during weight fluctuation. This sudden stretching of the skin results in the tearing of the dermis (below the surface of the skin). These marks are notoriously difficult to treat, but thanks to laser technology, stretch marks can be repaired without causing further damage to the skin.

What are the causes of stretch marks?

Stretch marks are more likely to develop during pregnancy, sudden weight gain or loss, growth spurts during puberty, or weight training that results in rapid muscle growth. If members of your family easily get stretch marks, you may be at a higher risk. Fluctuating hormone levels can also play a role.

Schedule stretch mark treatments

If you want to reduce those streaky lines from your stomach or legs, schedule a consultation at Skin Medical Aesthetics in Windham, Maine. We specialize in non-invasive treatments, and we can help you get back to healthy, clear skin. ICON IPL therapy is one of the most effective treatments for stretch mark reduction.* The ICON laser system combines a fractional laser (ablative) and intense pulsed light (IPL) technology. This FDA-approved technology requires fewer treatments and delivers more immediate results than similar devices. It is also one of the safest lasers on the market!

Services that can help with Stretch Marks

IPL Therapy


Our Locations
Skin Office
765 Roosevelt Trail
Windham, ME 04062
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Foley's Fitness Center
33 Haigis Parkway
Scarborough, ME 04074
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